Health Guarantee

Buyer and Breeder their responsibility’s
Health Guarantee and Terms of Agreement
We hope that you will enjoy your puppy for years to come. We have taken steps to ensure that your new puppy is healthy. Your puppy has been selectively bred for excellent quality, health, soundness, intelligence, and good temperament. This document covers all aspects of the health contract/guarantee. We understand it is long, but please read over in its entirety to ensure you, the buyer, understand everything in it and ask any questions that you may have.
Buyer and Breeder their responsibility’s
As a breeder we have put extensive planning and work to provide a strong healthy puppy.
We take full responsibility for the health and welfare of the puppy up to the day the buyer takes it home. It is impossible to be sure the puppy does not have any under lining health issues that it may have been born with. All expenses for the puppy are the buyer’s responsibility unless pre-authorized by the seller. If medical expenses arise seller must be contacted to preapprove any expenses. This contract explains how the breeder will fulfil his responsibility’s.
The buyer takes on all responsibility for the puppy the day they take the puppy home.
The buyer needs to provide that the puppy receives its puppy shots, worming’s and basic care for the puppy. Buyer is responsible for identifying health issues and for the cost in the identification of the health issues. Seller does not cover anything associated with Coccidia, Giardiasis, or Cryptorchidism.
Congenital defect guarantee
Congenital Defect Guarantee
If there is a congenital defect (not including hips which are genetic) within one year from birth, and the defect can be surgically corrected for less than the cost of a replacement (the price of the puppy not including any delivery costs). If a congenital defect is suspected the buyer must provide the breeder the opportunity to have the puppy examined and treated by a vet of the breeders choosing. When this requirement has been met the breeder will pay the cost of the surgery (not the test or doctor’s visit leading up to the surgery) up to the price you paid for your puppy. If the buyer does not provide the breeder with this opportunity the breeder will not be responsible for any vet cost.
If the defect cannot be surgically corrected:
The dog must be humanely put to sleep, and we must receive a letter, stating such from your vet (understand, the pup would not live anyway in a serious illness). You must send us the dog’s AKC papers. The dog must have never been used for breeding, and still be with its original owner(s), and must never have been abused, neglected, or mistreated.
After these qualifications have been met, you may choose a replacement pup (of equal quality). Buyer pays delivery, from any of our litters subject to availability. No cash refunds are given. Our guarantee does not include poisoning, accidents, or behavioral problems, as training philosophies and environments vary among individuals.
Hip Dysphasia Guarantee
Hip Dysphasia Guarantee
In the unlikely event that your dog is suspected of being dysphasic in its first two years, this is the procedure to follow:
- Notify us by telephone or letter.
- Submit the x-ray to the Orthopedic Foundation For Animals, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65210
- If the OFA find the dog to be “Severely Dysphasic”, then to qualify for a replacement:
- The dysphasic dog must be put to sleep by your vet, and a letter from him/her must be sent to us stating that this has been done. The letter must also state that the animal has not been overfed for its height/structure, and has received regular check-ups.
- The papers for the dog must be sent to us and transferred to our name.
- The dog must have been x-rayed for this condition before its second birthday, but not before 1½ years old. (Sometimes an early x-ray will not portray true results during growth spurts.
- The dog must never have been used for breeding, not be overweight, and must still be with its original owner(s).
- No replacement will be given if the dog has been over exercised during their growth period (until 1½ years old), which is running or “jumping” the dog excessively in play or training.
After these qualifications have been met, you may choose a replacement pup (of equal quality) from any of our litters, subject to availability. You will have to pay the deference in price if you desire a more expensive puppy (as our prices reflect the puppy’s individual quality versus pet quality.) We want to make sure that each puppy is in the best possible home for them; and each new owner has the perfect puppy to fit their needs as well. No cash refunds are given. No further or previous guarantees are implied either verbally, written, or otherwise stated.
We will not be responsible for any vet bills incurred by this puppy, other than that which is stated above
Care for your puppy
Care for your puppy
It is your responsibility to watch your puppy carefully to be sure it is eating and getting vitamins daily. We request that all puppies be kept on vitamins and minerals (due to the variety and quality of dog foods available, all canine illnesses are NOT covered by vaccinations).
If a puppy stops eating it can cause hypoglycemia (a form of low blood sugar). Hypoglycemia is not caused by a prior health care or congenital defect. If left untreated, death can occur quickly. Signs of hypoglycemia include: (1) puppy does not eat, (2) puppy is not having bowel movements, (3) puppy walks around disoriented. In this event rush the puppy to the vet!
Puppies that develop coccidian sometimes have blood in their stools and diarrhea. If your puppy develops diarrhea, it can be a change of diet, stress, or coccidian. If you suspect it to be coccidian, rush it to the vet to get Albon Liquid. If left untreated death can occur quickly. Coccidian occurs if the puppy is kept in a filthy area or from the stresses of delivery/changing homes. It is your duty to keep the puppy in a clean and sanitized environment once the puppy leaves my care.
We will not be responsible for vet bills or death due to hypoglycemia or coccidian. We take no responsibility for any other vet bills incurred after the purchase of your puppy, except as otherwise stated above. In the event of a questionable cause of death, an autopsy may be performed at your discretion and expense. If death stems from birth or from prior health care (under breeder care), you will be given another puppy as soon as one is available.
We have many excellent veterinarians in our surrounding areas, so use your personal preference, but please go for the safety of your puppy.